View Profile Vixin-McCloud
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Age 36, Female

Bashing your Skull!


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Joined on 11/4/05

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Monthly update

Posted by Vixin-McCloud - April 10th, 2008

It's a sprite-flash so it should be done by now right? Wrong if you want something of quality.


TONS of scripts have been done and worked out while many more ideas have been thought up. Scripts and ideas are exploding which is rather surprising since the main story is just three friends going on adventures like every Saturday Morning cartoon, but before I completely turn people away, there is action and there is humour. It's just not as adult as Sonic VS Super was (if you can even call that adult).

Voice recording...wise:

At this point, the only voice actors in this is myself and my brother and me coughing up enough flem and shit to fill an ocean while borrowing my brother's mic doesn't make for much recording, but a little has been done. Later on, I will hunt around for others whether they'd be cameo or actual parts, but when that happens, I have no idea.


The intro and menu is done and now I'm working on the episode itself. Due to the restriction of sprite backgrounds, I've decided to try something different and draw in all my backgrounds in flash. If nothing else, I shouldn't then be restricted to side-on view all the time. It's still a sprite flash though, but Mystery Dungeon sprites only serve any use on a bird eye's view so I have to custom build sheet upon sheet upon sheet. Charmander is simple and I struck it lucky with Sneasel since I found a custom-built sheet that I can build on and make it animatable, but building poses for Dragonair is a nightmare and a half. Straightened out, Dragonair is very long and animating her to move without it looking really out of place is very hard to do so building her sheet is a very slow business.

Extra info:

As I saw in the last update, many (not all) haven't really been warming up to the new idea or just want Sonic VS Super Sonic back so with this, Uroll gave me this good idea to make a Trailer for the series. Once I finish animating the first fight sequence, I will get to work on that which shouldn't really take long. Once I get all the sprite sheets sorted, animating itself should speed up a little.


he he im glad i could help

Yeah, thanks again!

I'm one of those that liked S vs. SS. I wish that you would continue, but I know that you don't like sonic anymore and I will respect that unlike others. You deserve to chose to continue something or not. Sonic has go down hill but i still hope Sega will get there act together and not completely fail.

I don't like Pokemon so I'm not going to watch your new series, but good luck on it!

Have you seen sonic unleashed? It does look promising. but i can see flaws in it. (werewolf sonic. lol.)

I'm glad you respect my choice to not continue. Also a shame that you choose not to watch even though the series is still in the production line, but that's your choice which is fine by me.

If Sega pick up their act and I mean REALLY pick up their act (not get halfway and decide to cock it up), then maybe, but yes. The chance of that happening is quite minimal.

P.S Yes I have seen Sonic Unleashed. There are little factors that give me small hope, but knowing Sega and Sonic, their time was up ages ago and that game too will be a failure.

Oh cool a trailer that's gonna be sweet :D.I'm really looking forward to this new series.I still like pokemon even if I am over 15 years old.But even if I didn't like pokemon I would still watch this because I love your animating style and how funny your flashes are.For the people that complain you should just ignore them.You don't have to bow down to what they want from you.You make these for fun not because your forced to.But of course some people just can't understand that and feel the need to force you to do something that you don't want to.I however completely respect your decision to change and stop your other series.Once again looking forward to the new flash and good luck!

Thanks so much for your kinds words. ^^

I like the games (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald was a big failure) cus' I like the raising and battling and such, but the anime for me from Johto onwards was horrible.

I really do hope this works and if people just come out the moment it releases and just bitch about Sonic VS Super Sonic, I swear, there will be hell to pay! Why did I have to have a lot of angry fans? I'm sure Valve didn't get this load of abuse for Portal.

Yeah I never cared for the anime either.I stopped watching it around the time Johto came out.I do watch some of the movies once in a while.Best one is Pokemon the first movie.The games have always been fun and I have alot of the trading cards that I never use I'm just waiting to sell them.Portal I thought was a very sweet game.I don't know why people would get mad at Valve for making it.

I point I tried to make on that was I bet Valve didn't fall under fire for making a different game other then the Half Life series like me amking a different series other then Sonic VS Super Sonic.

sonic espirit tranformer?


what can a sonic the espirit?

Sonic the espirit? Just what the hell are ou talking about?

sonic love position?

Never heard of it and it has nothing to do with this update what so ever.

all the characters of sonic!

This is an update for Pokémon, not for Sonic. You have the wrong update.

Well im both bummed out and excited.Bummed out because I looked every day for #4 and just realized it was canceld but excited because you started a new series!(please finish this one).I wont act like a jerk because its your choice.You are right saying that new sonic games suck.(except for Sonic riders zero gravity).


That's the beauty about this project. It doesn't have a hugely fixed storyline nor a planned ending so i can finish it whenever I want!

umm well i dont complain just suggest on ideas anyways have you ever herd on imvu it is an 3d virtual avatar world its realy awesome i have a link to the site on my home new grounds page im usaly on every day anyways i had another idea for your s vs ss this might just solve your voice actor problem what you can do is find ppl who have microphones and send them some scripts have them record the scripts and send the file back to you

One, I don't care about whatever site you're trying to plug.


Three, that's how I did the auditions before and no, that doesn't solve the problem.