Well I extra idea I did have going died in the ass when the script ended up being long and boring so it'll just be the trailer. Also in regards to the rant I said before on Forum Politics, I got a nice reply to it which is fine...right up until names started coming out. I at least had the decency to not say names as that would be aiming to publicly humiliate. If I wanted to publicly humiliate her, I've got much better material for it. I've emailed said person about this little mess and I've yet to get a reply. I highly doubt I will since I gave her this chance before and she didn't take it. Oh well, I care none for such hype from people and then can't follow through on their word. Also there's a nice little love flower blossoming again anyway so well wishes to the happy couple. ^^ May you both feed off each other's excuses. Don't cha all love internet drama? XD
In with something new though, the comic that my internet series is be loosely based off is now on Smack Jeeves.. Life As A Pokémon will update each Sunday with a new Pokémon each time. I have a lot of back comics from my old ties so while you're all waiting for me to get something done on here, you can go there, have a look and comment. (It's called LaaP for short and it uses the normal e cus' the system doesn't recognise funny squiggles)
Not much has happened on the animation point, but as soon as things kick off again, you'll be the first to know.
pretty good but i wanna see more!!!!
If you mean the comic, next Sunday. Also I can't do much with a lack of access.